Have you been bombarded with message, ads, popups and posts trying to tell you which direction you should go in your life or business? We set out on this journey to become the best version of ourselves, but there are so many things prying and prodding at our attention.
As a professional, Kim Doyal uses email to simplify your marketing. In the last 13 years, she’s learned exactly what type of value brings people to buy into your brand, and your product. She’s also outlined principles to know when to work, and when to take a break; something we as men can all get better at.
You get clarity through the doing. You’re not going to get better at something by not doing it – just show up and start doing it!
Kim Doyal, 1PM: 033
On this episode, you’ll learn how to use your body to know when to keep working, and when it’s time to hang it up. On top of that, Kim explains to us how to set up a system of trust with yourself, and how to build a business around your own values.
Find Kim’s Infamous Newsletter, F The Hustle Here – kimdoyal.com/fthehustle
Make sure to join our email list (below), and connect with me further on social media.
And don’t forget, “there’s nothing stopping you from being 1% better today.” – Coach B
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