International Leadership and High Performance Speaker, TedX Speaker, Podcast Host, American Ninja Warrior, Award Winning Host & Performer, World Record Holder, and youngest U.S Lacrosse Coach of the Year. Alex has lived many lifetimes in his time on earth around and he has way more in the tank.
Alex Weber and I met at Tony Horton House in California. We started to talk and he was letting me know how he got started into speaking. It blew my mind that Alex just decided to do it and went out and did it. I appreciated his straight-forwardness and just openness to share. So I had to have him come on and share some wisdom with us.
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septemics hierarchies, human phenomena, consciousness, programming, mind, emotional intelligence, resiliency, self-improvement, analysis, prediction, management, relationships, life spheres, government, civilization, survival, exchange, communication, allegiance, sexuality,...
Every man needs to know their meaning, purpose, and direction. In this episode we focus on direction. Direction is knowing where you are going....