How to Be Your Own Man by Recognizing Guilt and Acknowledging what You Have to Change in Your Life 1PM: 056 with Eddie Smith

December 06, 2021 00:33:43
How to Be Your Own Man by Recognizing Guilt and Acknowledging what You Have to Change in Your Life 1PM: 056 with Eddie Smith
The 1% Man Podcast
How to Be Your Own Man by Recognizing Guilt and Acknowledging what You Have to Change in Your Life 1PM: 056 with Eddie Smith

Dec 06 2021 | 00:33:43


Hosted By

Bertrand Ngampa Bertrand Ngampa

Show Notes

You’re a product of your environment. Even if you’ve unlearned some of the behavior that you adopted growing up.

Wherever that may be, these environments influence a lot of what we know and do. Who we become, our morals, thoughts, and behaviors are all influenced by our environment.

Today’s guest came from a harsh area, from the streets. He was a product of his environment, but he learned that being around more positive people had a large impact on his life and his mindset. At his most comfortable position ever in life, Eddie found himself depressed. It wasn’t until he identified this he made a change.

“As men, we’re looking at pro athletes, musicians, entertainers, etc. These are the examples we’re given by society. That’s not very conducive to us developing healthy mental relationships with our emotions and decision-making. We’re basically told be strong be touch be physical be dominant basically be aggressive and violent and you’ll be rewarded for it. To be your own man is to take accountability for your own life and actions, and recognize you’ve made mistakes.”

Eddie Smith, 1PM: 056

Eddie James Smith III is a business coach, consultant, and thought leader. He is committed to building a legacy through self-mastery and leadership. From Spokane, now residing in Chicago, “Eddie brings a lifetime of street smarts, hard truths, and proven strategies founded on cognitive patterns, human behavior, and cold, hard data to his instruction and every move he makes,” according to his bio.

In today’s episode, we dive into some topics from Eddie’s book, “Memoirs Of A 30 Year Old Fuck Up.” In addition, we uncover why our role models have been flawed from the start, how Eddie picked himself up out of depression, and the power of fear versus intuition, and a movie that provided some surprising inspiration.

Download Eddie’s Marketing Bundle Here

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And don’t forget, “there’s nothing stopping you from being 1% better today.” – Coach B

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