Jim Marshall: Discovering Septemics: A Revolutionary Tool for Understanding Human Phenomena : 1PM #072

Episode 72 December 18, 2023 00:52:03
Jim Marshall: Discovering Septemics: A Revolutionary Tool for Understanding Human Phenomena : 1PM #072
The 1% Man Podcast
Jim Marshall: Discovering Septemics: A Revolutionary Tool for Understanding Human Phenomena : 1PM #072

Dec 18 2023 | 00:52:03


Hosted By

Bertrand Ngampa Bertrand Ngampa

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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Three, two, one. Welcome back to the 1% man podcast. Got my good friend here with me, author Jim Marshall. He is the author of Septemics the Hierarchy of Human Phenomena phenomenon. Excuse me. Wow. Talking too fast over here for my own good. So, Jim, how are you doing today? [00:00:20] Speaker B: Hi, Bertrand. Good to see you. [00:00:22] Speaker A: Nice to see you. Nice to see you. So, and just to clarify for your. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Audience, it's called Septemics hierarchies. Of human phenomena. [00:00:32] Speaker A: Oh, thank you so much for that. I appreciate that. I always need a little help over here. So I'm excited to talk to you because when I saw you come through, I was like, okay, this looks so interesting. This is something that you all said even earlier before the show. The consciousness part of this is going to be huge because I think there's a lot of people that really want to know more about consciousness and understand that, like programming and the mind, the way it works. But before we begin, I would like to ask you three questions so myself and the listeners can get to know you better. Is that okay? [00:01:08] Speaker B: Sure. [00:01:09] Speaker A: All right. Question number one. If you could speak to your 18 year old self, what advice would you give him and why? [00:01:22] Speaker B: That's a tough question because I have changed so much since then. I am a completely different person, so it's hard for me to get myself into that frame of mind. I guess I might say if you continue on the path you're on, you will eventually discover an entirely new subject called Septemics. [00:01:52] Speaker A: I like that. And you don't have to explain why, because I'm going to ask you why once I get after these other two questions. So second question is, if you could be an expert in another field besides Septemics. Am I saying this right? [00:02:09] Speaker B: Septemics. Septemics. [00:02:11] Speaker A: Septemics. [00:02:12] Speaker B: It's like September. September, septemics. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Besides September, what would it be and why? [00:02:20] Speaker B: So I guess you're asking me to be an expert in a field that I'm not already an expert in, right? [00:02:25] Speaker A: 100%. Yes. What field would you choose? [00:02:41] Speaker B: Well, this field doesn't really have a name yet, but I think I'd want to be an expert in what happens to us after the body dies. [00:02:55] Speaker A: Yeah. That is such an interesting conversation. I would love to know that as well. I think there's so many whether you look at religion or whether you look at cultures, every culture has some type of way of explaining it, but it all requires faith. But at the end of day, there's no for sure. Like, this is what happens. I've been there. I know it for sure. I can come back. There's no scientific data on that. But there's a lot of, I guess you'd say great educated guests. Great educated guests. So, yeah, I totally agree on that. [00:03:29] Speaker B: That's a subject that I know a lot about, but not enough to be considered an expert. [00:03:35] Speaker A: Okay. When you say you know a lot about it. You've studied it extensively. [00:03:42] Speaker B: Yes. [00:03:44] Speaker A: Nice. I would love to get into that, too, as well. Last question is what is one value you believe all men should adopt to make it a better place for everyone? [00:03:57] Speaker B: Gee, there are so many values to adopt that would fit that parameter, it's hard for me to select one. [00:04:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:14] Speaker B: So this would be sort of like a virtue, right? Is that what you're looking like, a virtue? [00:04:19] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely. [00:04:20] Speaker B: So I guess it would be to be inquisitive meaning to pursue knowledge in a very thorough way because that sort of opens up everything else. [00:04:55] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Many people shut out things, and when you shut things out, then you don't learn, so then you don't find out about whatever that is, for better or worse. [00:05:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:13] Speaker B: As an example, I'm a series student of history, and one of my specialties is World War II, including in particular, Adolf Hitler. There's a lot to learn from him. I mean, he was an evil, destructive psychopath, but he actually was the central figure of the 20th century. So there's a lot to learn by studying him. [00:05:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:43] Speaker B: A lot of people not saying we should emulate him, but study him. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I've heard that. If you want to learn, like, leadership or marketing, he's actually one of the greatest people to learn from because of what he's done. Like you said, don't emulate him in particular, but learning his principle things that he and how he did what he did, that a single man. To take a whole country and to have him I don't want to say revolt, but to lead him down the path that he did is you have to say it's quite astounding to have a whole culture, a whole country to fall behind one man and his idea, I mean, wow. [00:06:34] Speaker B: Especially an advanced nation like Germany. Germany. When Hitler came on the scene, circa 1930, they were perhaps the most advanced nation on Earth. Everything taken into consideration. So to have an advanced nation like that go down that road very scary. [00:06:58] Speaker A: Very scary. Yeah. Well, now that I know that, I'm definitely going to have you back on, because I would love to learn more about Adolf Hitler and what men can pull from that. Just have a real candid conversation about know, you might get canceled, but hey, you know what I mean? Hey, what is know, what's life without low risk, right? But thank you for answering those questions, author Jim. Now I want to switch gears. Let's talk more about this topic. All right? So before we begin, I want to know how did you stumble upon it? How did you find it? How did it come out to be? [00:07:39] Speaker B: When you say it, do you mean September? [00:07:41] Speaker A: September, yes. [00:07:44] Speaker B: Okay, so first let me say so your viewers have a frame of reference for this. I am the discoverer of hitherto unknown natural phenomena which greatly aid in the understanding of people. From which I constructed a revolutionary practical philosophic system called Septemics and published into the book Septemics Hierarchies of Human Phenomena. Septemics is a philosophical science based on the fact that many phenomena related to human beings occur in a sequence of seven levels. Literally, the word September means of or pertaining to 7 september comprises a collection of scales or sequences each of which breaks down various human phenomena into a hierarchy of seven steps. There are 35 such scales, each of which is unique and together they span the spectrum of human experience by which I mean any person can resolve any problem, difficulty, dilemma, et cetera. By utilizing September. In other words, they can use it to analyze the situation and thereby gain insight as to what's really going on here. And that tells you how to proceed. So that's sort of what it is. Now, to answer your question about how I came to this, that's a somewhat longer story. So the story really begins when I was accepted into engineering school at the age of 16. Now, at that time I thought I was going to be engineering physical things like all the other engineers meaning electrons, airfoils motors and so forth. But by the time I had my bachelor's degree I knew that I wanted to engineer the human psyche because that is the area of greatest mystery and unknown and the area in which we are failing miserably. 95% of the problems in the industrialized world are because people don't understand. People don't understand the wife don't understand the husband don't understand the son don't understand the boss, et cetera. And all kinds of ills come from that. And this book solves that problem. It gives you the way to understand human phenomena across 35 axes. So to make a long story short, I had a long career as a human development engineer using engineering principles with my clients, one on one hundreds of clients of every description which for cumulatively thousands of hours. And I started to notice that not only would my clients improve but they would improve in ways that were predictable to me. In other words, I found that I would know the outcome of the session. Now, I never told this to anybody, but I made notes. And as the decades rolled by I came to realize that the client would be at a specific level on a specific scale that I had previously observed. And so I would spot the person at this level, I would work with the person and he would move up to the next level up. In other words, verifying the scale that happened thousands and thousands of times right in front of me. So I just kept making notes. And by about 1995 I had about 32 scales that I had simply observed and recorded. And I had one in particular that by then I absolutely knew was correct. It had six levels in it. Now, one day in 95, while I was pondering a particularly difficult client, I came to realize that that person was on a level in that scale that I had not observed yet. In other words, the scale had a 7th level. So it was obvious to me when I saw this level where to insert it into the six level scale. And when I inserted it, the scale manifested mathematically. In other words, all of these data jumped out at me. Now, the whole point of mathematics is that you start with a formula or an equation and you coax data out of it. Yes, that's how Einstein found E equals MC squared in that exact process. So when mathematics is inherent, all of these data present themselves. So have to realize, I took 26 semesters of math and loved every minute of it. So math is a very real thing to me. It's not abstract. So when I saw this, I said, Whoa, this must be natural law, because anything that has mathematics embedded in it is natural law. For example, the Fibonacci sequence. So I said, I don't know what this is, but this is big. I found something here. Then I said to myself, Wait a minute, I have these 32 scales. I wonder how many of these other scales are actually seven level scales that had not been developed all the way? Because I wasn't developing anything. I was just helping my clients and making notes. So knowing what I was looking for, I then inspected all of the scales, and in a short period of time, they all developed into seven level scales. And as each one did, it manifested mathematically. The mathematics in it jumped out at me. So by the time I had 32 seven level scales, I said, I've discovered something here. And then I said, wait a minute. I can go from helping people by the hundreds, which is what I had been doing as human development engineer, to helping people by the millions if I were to put this data in a book and get it out to the general public. So then I said, okay, I have to write a book. So the first draft was completed in December of 95, and I sent it to colleagues of mine, all of whom had graduate degrees in a variety of subjects. And they all responded very positively. They had different responses, but the responses were very positive, complementary. So that tell me, okay, this is exactly what I think it is. It's an entirely new subject based on natural law that can really help people people get this. This is not hard to get. It's not obscure. It's not like studying quantum mechanics, which is hard for most people to get. This is right there to understand. So I spent the next 25 years of my life writing this book because you realize, first I had to discover the phenomena, which was, as I said, mostly done by 1995, although I did find three more scales as I was writing the book. Then I had to take this data, and I had to use it to craft a workable, philosophical science. Now, you have to understand that I have the mind of an engineer. That is who I am. Engineers are only interested in results and facts. So to engineering opinions and beliefs are irrelevant. So I had to make this work that took 20 years. Now, the most time consuming aspect of this was expressing it in a way that would make sense to the average reader, because I wanted that from the beginning. You have to understand, I have had a lifetime of helping people. Even as a child, I was helping people. That's who I am. This book really helps people. So there were many rewrites, and there were many developments and changes so that I would connect with the reader. They would understand this. Now, I know I succeeded at that because I've been seeing now almost 28 years of results of people responding to this and getting it, saying, wow, this is cool, and using it. So I know that I wrote it in a way that people get it. So that's sort of how this came about. [00:17:03] Speaker A: I appreciate that story. I think that's amazing because one, this is the real big picture of how that came about. And your background too, as well. It's super, incredibly intelligent. So I want to talk more about some principles of September. September. I want to talk about how it can be applied practically in everyday life, especially for men striving to improve themselves in various aspects of life. And I think there's three that I really want to touch on. Right. The emotional intelligence. Right? Let's talk about the emotional intelligence first. How can men like me and yourself use that to improve our emotional intelligence and resiliency? [00:17:59] Speaker B: Well, without getting into the narrow band of emotion, let me just tell you how this is beneficial. Okay, perfect. Okay, so each of these scales provides a user with an infallible way of determining the salutariness or beneficialness of any group, individual, or activity. If the group, individual or activity moves persons or groups up the scales, it's beneficial or positive. If it moves them down the scales, it's detrimental or negative. In other words, you have a yardstick for measuring human phenomena which did not exist before. More importantly, just finding out what level you or another person is at on any scale is by itself enlightening and beneficial. Every time you find the correct level of a person on any scale, you have a realization. You say, oh, now I see what's going on with Joe. You see, that is a big benefit because your insight improves, your depth of understanding improves. And finally, once you know the actual level of any person on any scale, you can improve that person by moving them up one level. This solves the gradient problem that has bedeviled mankind for 6000 years. Now, every good teacher, facilitator, therapist, coach, et cetera in the world understands that you have to help people on a gradient. That's what my whole career as a human development engineer was about. You pick up the guy at the level he's at and you move him up a little bit. So if you are, for example, at level four and you should then target to move yourself to level three and you will be able to do that if you're at level four and you target yourself to move to level 102, you will fail. It's too steep a gradient. So this is a tremendous advantage that each of these 35 skills is a roadmap for success in the corresponding areas. Now, if you permit me, I'll tell you what the corresponding areas are. There are these 35 subjects. Takes about a minute to tell you what they are. Would you like me to do that? [00:20:34] Speaker A: Yes, please. [00:20:35] Speaker B: Okay. So they're individual scales. And group scales, meaning the individual scales apply more to an individual. Group scales apply more to groups. So these are the individual scales, the scale of basic purposes, the scale of personal influence, the scale of choice, the scale of permeation, the scale of thought, the scale of identity, the scale of evaluation, the scale of motivation. The scale of control, the scale of stopping, the scale of scholarship, the scale of literacy, the scale of human ability, the scale of memory, the scale of spiritual identity, the scale of mental deletion, the scale of aberration, the scale of physical fitness the scale of justification the scale of belief the scale of equanimity, the scale of attack the scale of conflict and the scale of reaction. And these are the group scales, the scale of relationships, the scale of life spheres, the scale of government, the scale of civilization, the scale of survival, the scale of management, the scale of exchange, the scale of communication, the scale of allegiance, the scale of sexuality and the scale of politics. Any one of these 35 scales can dramatically improve the life of the user if he understands it and applies it. Which opens up another whole door to get into. How to do that. [00:21:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Nice. At the end of the day, when someone is starting out and using this the best thing they should do should they start with the individual scale, the group scale? [00:22:11] Speaker B: Well, first of all, what I tell to all of my students and clients and readers is this is a textbook on an entirely new subject. So you should start at line one of page one and read that. And when you understand it, go to line two. And when you understand that, go to line three and continue to do that until you complete the book. Then go back to the beginning, read it again. And when you come to each skill, find your level on every scale. If you do that by the time you finish the second reading, you will be a new person. You will have a greatly enhanced clarity of mind because you'll know where you are, what you're doing, where you're going, and how to get there. Okay, now let me give you something specific, okay, so we can put this in a humanistic context. So let's say you have a friend who's having romance problems, right? You want to help him because he's your friend. This guy keeps coming and say, oh, I don't know what I'm going to do with Felicia, she's driving me crazy, blah, blah, blah, right. So you say, Bill, come over here, let me show you this. And you open up the book to the scale of relationships. He's going to look at this, he's in a relationship. He's going to say, you mean there's a scale of relationships? You say, yeah, there it is. This relationship that you're having all this trouble with, where is it on this scale? See, this is a new idea to him. So what's going to happen is in a matter of seconds, he will find a bracket, meaning he will throw out some of the levels, see, because he knows his relationship, so when he assesses it against these seven levels, right away he's going to see that some of them don't apply and some of them might. So he might say something like, it's definitely not one, two or three because we're having a lot of trouble. So you see, that's progress. He got it down to four. So then you say to him, look, go ahead and read the text and then you can get this. Exactly. Now he's going to want to do that because you're opening a door for him, see. So he reads the text, he comes back, and now you say, okay, look at it. Now, which one of these is this relationship at? And he'll say something like, well, now that I read it, I can see we're at level five. And he will have a realization, no wonder we're having trouble. That's not such a good level five. That's pretty far down on the scale. And we'll tell him really what's going on. And of course, when he reads the chapter and it tells you all about level five, what it is, how it works, what it consists of, he's going to yeah, yeah, that's what's going on with me and Felicia. That's right. See, now, you might say, well, since he found a low level, isn't that going to make him bummed out? No, it's not, because it's the truth. In other words, every time you find a level, you have an epiphany. You say, oh, now I see what's going on with her. Now, this could go a couple of ways. He might say, you know, now that I see this, I'm not going to bother with her anymore. Or he might say, now that I can see this, I have a way to improve our relationship. We're going to move it up to level four and continue. You see, that's up to him. This is very personal. That's how you use this. It's very personal. Then you could say, okay, now look at the scale of sexuality. So you open up the scale of sexuality and they'll say, you mean there's a scale of sexuality? Yes. You don't have to tell me, but for your own edification, where are you on this scale? See, he's going to want to know this. He's going to say, oh, yeah, this is interesting, see, and in a matter of seconds, he will find a bracket. He will say, Well, I'm definitely not at six or seven, and I can know right off the bat. I'm not at one or two. I'm either at three, four or five. Okay? So you say, all right, so look, go ahead and read the text and see if you can get this. Exactly. So he reads it and he's going to get down to a paragraph that describes him perfectly in this area. Yeah, this is who I am. And he says, okay, I can see, now I'm at level four. See, now I could keep doing this. I could do another eight or ten scales like this, because something complex like this is going to have many scales that apply to it. But you then could say, let's have you look at the scale of permeation. So permeation is the basic action of a spiritual being. When two people love one another, it's because they're permeating one another, right? So if you're with your spouse, you feel this permeation. She's permeating you, you're permeating her. See, that's where love comes from, permeation. So you could have them look at that. Now, sometimes, I'm sure you notice there are people who are not terribly handsome, not terribly intelligent, not terribly well educated, okay? But they're very successful. How does that happen? Maybe they're very good at permeating, you see, which is something that you can't sense with the five senses. So when you permeate a person, you are reaching into that person. So you can have him look at this and say, where are you on this scale? You see? And he'll go through the same process. Within seconds, he'll throw out some of them, then he'll read, okay, I can see now I'm at level five. No wonder I'm having trouble with this. I'm not permeating. Well, see, and then you can say, okay, let's move you up to level four. And if he tries, he will be able to get there, and then he's permeating better, which means his capacity to love has improved. So that's how this works, you see? But if you just take what I gave you and blow it up in a billion directions, you get what this book is about. [00:29:01] Speaker A: Yeah. So just plain and simple, it's that look at wherever issue you're having, or whatever you want to improve, go to that section, read it and read each level. And then you're going to start to say, okay, I'm not level one, I'm not level seven. And then you're going to start to dial in and see, okay, this is where I'm at. And having that clarity and getting honest feedback about where you are. It's almost like kind of how you said in the beginning how emotions, that's a whole nother definition and the way to explain it, however, but when someone gets clarity on a particular issue, they get that epiphany. They don't get upset. They kind of get like, oh, I understand this person. I understand myself now I can change, I can do what I need to do, or now that I know what I need to do to move up, I'm like, okay, I have the roadmap. So I can literally improve myself by reading what I need to do next to improve, to get better. [00:29:58] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:29:59] Speaker A: Wow. [00:30:00] Speaker B: So let me put it to you this way for further clarification, the data in this book is vital for every person and can help you to achieve your goals faster and easier by explaining what might otherwise seem to be inexplicable or random. So you have things going on in your life that either you don't understand or you think you cannot understand them. And this book will help you to actually understand them. Oh, that's what this is about. See, now let me explain it to you this way. If someone were to invite you to a rendezvous, you would certainly expect them to tell you the time, the date, the location, and perhaps also how to get there, right? Needless to say, it's very difficult to get somewhere if you don't know where you are, you don't know where you're going, and you don't know how to get there. Now this sounds idiotic, but most people do this regularly. In fact, some people do this continuously. I'm sure you've seen people like this. They just go in circles. They never get anywhere, right? So this book completely resolves that dilemma because it enables you across 35 axes to find where you are, what the next level up is, meaning what you should be targeting yourself for, for success. It also tells you the next level down, which is where you will end up if you fail. So it's really useful. So this book, think of it this way. When you go out in a car, right, and you ride around on the streets, there's signage. There's all kinds of signage that by law you are required to obey. There's a double yellow line, there's a stop sign, there's a stoplight. There's no left turn right. There's a speed limit. There's like hundreds of things. If you don't pay attention to that signage, hundreds of terrible things can happen to you. You can get a ticket, you can get arrested, you can smash up your car, you can kill yourself, you can run somebody over, right? It's a long list of bad things. You can go to prison, right? So that's what this book is like. It's giving you the signage across 35 axes of human phenomena to tell you if you want to get there. This is how you go. This is what's safe and this is what's not. And because of that, I can absolutely guarantee that if you study this book, it will prevent catastrophes, dilemmas, bankruptcies, lawsuits, indictments, divorces, fistfights, and all kinds of other bad things because you are forewarned. See, I know this data, so this happens to me all the time. I'll bump into a person and I spot a person at a low level on the scale. I say, I'm not going to mess with this person. Have a nice day, goodbye, and we're done. See, I don't argue with anybody, but I know, okay, this is not somebody I want to bring into my life. Now, look, when I was young, this data didn't exist. I hadn't discovered it yet. So I made the same stupid mistakes that everybody else makes. Yeah, but now that I know this data, that cannot happen, will not happen, does not happen. So let's say I meet a woman, right? People tell you their levels. This is not hard to get. I can say, oh, this kelsh is at this level, this kelsh is at this level, this skeleton is at this level. And I can see who this person is in a very specific way. And so I can say to myself, you know, yeah, she's pretty, but I'm not going to mess with this person. See? Or I might say, oh, yeah, this person is upscale, is high on many scales. This is somebody I want in my life. And so that's how my life goes now, where like, I'll spot somebody, I see, yeah, this person is high on all the and I make that person a part of my life. And it's cool, see, because that's an upscale person. Now, if you look at all of the scales, the bottom of the scale, cross the 35 scales is the dregs of society, right? All the bad people in the world, wife beaters, drug addicts, serial murderers, corrupt politicians, you name it, they are at or near the bottom of these scales. So you spot that person and you say, I'm not voting for this guy. This guy's all the way down at this low level, see? And for me, I can do this effortlessly because I've been doing this a long time. Because you have to realize, before I even got the idea of writing this book, I had a lot of this data. So this is like a lifetime thing for me. So it's extremely useful. So the way you experience this book is like putting on your eyeglasses and looking in a mirror. You say? Oh, I see. Right. Like, if I want to get a good shave, I need to put on my eyeglasses. Right? Because obviously I wear eyeglasses. 30 years ago, I didn't wear eyeglasses. I didn't need it, but now I do. So that's what this book is like. Each of these 35 skills is a lens that you can hold up to the person and say, oh, I see what this guy is about. So I'll give you an example. When Obama started running for president, I had never heard of him. Most of us had never heard of him. He had only been in the Senate for two years. Now, the people of Illinois knew who he was because they had elected him to the Senate. But most of the people in the other 35 states had no idea who this guy was. He hadn't been around a long time, right? So I said, well, who's this guy with this funny name? I better find out what this is about. So I studied him. I went out of my way to listen to him speak and see what was coming out of his mouth. What was he telling us? And so, after a short period of time, I was able to spot his basic purpose, which is scale number one, the scale of basic purposes. Now, I know the basic purpose of every president of the United States, going back as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and many of the presidents previous to that who I studied, such as Lincoln and Washington and Jefferson. Now, the scale of basic purposes tells you the person's basic purpose. What is he trying to do? What could be more important than that? To know about a person? Hitler, for example, was level seven. His basic purpose was to destroy. Once you understand that, you can understand him. And what went on in World War II? Much better. He was an inherently destructive person. He wasn't only destructive to the Allies, he was destructive to the Wehrmacht. He was destructive to his own country. He was destructive to everybody he came in contact with. He was a destructive person because his basic purpose was the purpose to destroy. Now, there aren't too many people like that, fortunately, but a lot of people who study World War II will say, why did he do that? Because there's a lot of stuff that he did didn't make any sense. Like, for example, from a military science point of view, military science is one of my areas of expertise, so I look at it strictly from the point of view of a military scientist. I say, that was stupid. He shouldn't have done that. But I know what his basic purpose was, you see? And that's what was driving him. That's an example. When you know your own basic purpose, it changes your life, because the other six levels you throw out. You say, that is not for me. This is for me. I am at this level. And your whole life becomes clarified. You know what you're trying to do, and as you live, your life will be much easier to live because you know what you're trying to do, and you can do this with other people. For example, you figure out your spouse's basic purpose, because when you get somebody's basic purpose, you have to realize this is a persistent trait. Most people, more than 90% of the population, spend an entire lifetime at one level of that scale, meaning it doesn't change. A person has, let's say, level he's at level four. His whole life is at level four. Wow. So when you get that, most of the time, nine out of ten times you know that person for the rest of his life, he's not going to show up with a different basic purpose next month. You see? So this is really insightful, really tells you what the person is about, and it tells you, do you want this person in your life or not? That's true for all these scales. Okay. It's very specific, and it's very easy to use. You have to understand there is a glossary not only in front of every chapter, but even in front of the introduction. So I'm giving you the specific definitions of the words that I'm using. So there's no ambiguity. Let's say we come to the scale of permeation. You don't know permeations tells you right there. Permeation bang, one sentence. Okay, I see what that is. Then when you study it, you understand it. So I went through a lot of trouble to make this comprehensible to the average reader of English, and it is people get this. [00:41:05] Speaker A: Yeah. The way you're breaking this down, I'm like, wow. Every man should have this book by their side, and they need to go through it, and they need to understand themselves first and see where they're at. Read line one. Make sure once they understand line one, read line two. When they understand line three, read line three all the way through until you understand each line and go back again and read everything. And then if you ever have an issue come up in life or some type of problem or situation, go to this book and then try to understand, okay. Whether it's a person or situation, understand it from how you broke it down in the book. [00:41:47] Speaker B: Right. [00:41:49] Speaker A: Am I catching along? [00:41:51] Speaker B: Yes. The subtitle of this book, which you haven't mentioned yet, is Analysis, Prediction, and Management of Human Affairs. So you have something involving humans. Right. You can analyze it. It's like you're quantizing this thing. It's going from vagueness into specificity. Then because of that, you can predict what's going to happen. And once you can predict, then you can manage it. So I'm using this all the time. All the time. I see things happen with people or in my life in all spot. I'm at a certain level. I went down a level, okay, I got to get back, and I just go back up to that level. You see? So it's very user friendly. [00:42:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:46] Speaker B: So my model is especially regarding this book, your success is my reward. That's my motive here. There's some guy right now in UK or Germany or Australia reading this book and figuring things out, straightening out his marriage, straightening out his business, straightening out his relationship with his mother, whatever it is. I'm never going to know that guy. I'm never going to meet this person. I don't even know his name. But that's what I want. I actually have some readers who actually carry this book around with them, so that when something comes up, like, they meet some guy, right. And they say, I wonder where this guy is on this. Yep. They open up the roof. Oh, yeah, I see. He's right here. Bing, you have a realization. So this is a sort of a positive snowball. And let me tell you what I mean by that. Every time you correctly spot somebody, you have an insight. Okay? That's what's going on with my brother in law. He is at this level, see? So you just got a little bit smarter. Now that enhanced insight facilitates your usage of the rest of the book. So you go to another scale and you use that one, and you have another insight. Oh, I see. That's what's going on with Joe. He's at this level. So you just get more and more insightful as you use this. It's a snowballing effect. So the more you use the book, the easier it is to use, because you're more insightful. [00:44:41] Speaker A: That's plain and simple. That makes a lot of sense. [00:44:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Now let me tell you something as a caution. I tell this to everybody I contact. Never tell anyone the level of a living person on any scale. It's counterproductive and unethical. So I gave you this example of you're helping your friend Bill, right. Because he's having trouble with Felicia, right? Yeah. Okay. You don't say to know your relationship is at level five. Don't do that. Because if you let him look at it, he will have a realization. He'll get a little smarter. He'll say, oh, now I see what this is about. You see? [00:45:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:31] Speaker B: And when you tell him, you're not letting him have that taken away. It's not hard to get. Honest to God, once you know this, people tell you, it comes right out of their mouth. You turn on TV and there's some politician talking about and he's telling you his level. So this is not something that's hard to use. You have to study the book to understand it because it's a new system. But once you get it, it's really easy to use and it helps everything. So no matter what's going on in your life, you have something that's a problem, a difficulty, a dilemma. You don't understand something. You don't know how to proceed in a business deal or a relationship. Use it. Figure out what scale is going to make sense to this. Right. And this is not hard to do. I mean, let's say you're having physical problems, right? You're not sure what to do. There's a scale of physical fitness. When you find your spot on that scale, okay, I'm right here. That tells you what you should be going for. It's the next level up, and you will get there. So think about this. You cannot make a couch potato into an Olympic athlete. There are too many intervening steps, right? First you have to get them off the couch and maybe jogging 30 minutes a day, right. Then you would have to get him lifting weights. Then you would have to see then you would have to get him into some sport that he could compete. There's going to be a whole process here. So that's the gradient sequence. That's how I helped my clients. I would see the level he was at, and then I would help him to have a realization and he would have a realization, he would be happy about it. That resolves that issue, and we go on to another issue. So that's how you use this book. [00:47:46] Speaker A: That's amazing. So where can the listeners go and find this book? [00:47:52] Speaker B: Well, first of all, I invite your listeners to my website, which is Septemex.com, S-E-P-T-E-M-I-C-S where you can see what many readers have said about it, what many journalists have written about it. You can read sections of the book itself, you can read the reviews, and you can even listen to an Introduction to Septemics lecture, which will tell you in 15 minutes what it's about. And it also mentions where to get the book. It's an easy book to find. You can get it on Amazon, Barnes, and Nobles. If you just put the word Septemix into a search engine, S-E-P-T-E-M-I-C-S you'll get hundreds of responses, including all the people who are selling the book all over the world. So that's how you get the book. [00:48:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. From Amazon. You are the one person I put satemics in the line, and that's first thing that came up was the book. Put it back in the Kindle version as well. [00:48:54] Speaker B: Right? Yeah. And you have to realize this is available in hardbound, softbound, or ebook, depending on what you prefer. Ebooks are very inexpensive. Right. Doesn't cost for $10. You can completely change your life using this book. [00:49:12] Speaker A: Yeah. One of the things that got me excited to talk to you is there was someone that left the review. He said the work that you're doing is groundbreaking in that you can actually transcend 30 plus different categories of your life that Jim walks you through in the book. [00:49:29] Speaker B: Right. 35 different scales. [00:49:32] Speaker A: Yeah, right there. It's not just like a workbook, but you can always refer back to it whenever you need it. And I'm just like, this is beautiful. Yeah. This pump stage has been amazing. Yeah. Any man out there that listens to this podcast, I want you to take a screenshot of it. When you listen to it, tag me on Instagram, wherever you have me. You guys know me at being a Gampa. And if you're on Twitter as well, you can tag me and Jim as well, and then I will. Actually, personally, if you tag me, I'll get you this book. I will buy and I'll ship it and send it to you as well. So I'm super excited. So even myself, I believe I have this book on my list. So every month I spend about $100 on books, and I make sure that this book is in my cart already, so that way I can get this one. But I know our time is winding down, so before we go, I like to give the guests the last word. Author Jim. So please, you get last word. Something you want to say, maybe? I know you already said a lot. [00:50:37] Speaker B: But I just want to say something that's helpful to understand this. There are general scales and specific scales, a general scale, you find your level and you're done. You can find somebody else's level, but you're done with that. A specific scale is context driven, so you might have one level for your work, another level for your home life, another level for your political life, another level for your religious life. So most of the scales are specific, and they can be used in an unlimited number of ways. So there are actually thousands and thousands of ways to use this book because of the specific scale. It's all about context. See, where am I in this specific thing? Right here. So it's really useful across your whole life. Doesn't matter what's going on. If you can read English and you want to improve yourself and others, this book is for. [00:51:49] Speaker A: It. Love it, my brother. You heard it here first. Author Jim, thank you so much for coming out. I can't wait to have you back on again as well. Yeah, I hope you have a great day, brother. [00:52:00] Speaker B: Thank you, Bertrand. It was a pleasure.

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